Welcome to this Blog page and Webbook.
The vessel to voyage to the furthest reaches
of our human potential and ultimate destination.
Please come aboard.
We are underway and sailing into an age of Harmony!
Just got this review from ChatGPT:
Following are some tidbits of wisdom related to the Webbook:
Truth cannot be transcended,
Cannot be trumped.
The source of Creation is Infinitely intelligent,
eternal, no evolution in it.
not limited by time and space.
Today, the beginning of a time where history as we know it will not repeat itself.
The World of Matter is a Spiritual Illusion,
without Spirit there can be no Illuision,
we must merge our Consciousness
with Spirit to Master the Illusion !
The Breath contains the Source Code !
and the medium to download it into our lives.
The number one thing,
to remember that in life the breath is of the highest authority.
There is and cannot be anything higher, no life without it.
Not any amount of money that can buy the breath.
The one source of our life, the Pranayama, Life force, the Qi,
is also of the highest security, no way to do without.
Work it, spend time with it, connect to its frequency.
The frequency of Spirit, the Divine Force of creation.
Expand and maintain its capability.
Breath in: SAT, or SO, or YA, up the spine into the skull, the heavenly sphere,
the seventh maybe 8th chakra just above the headspace.
Breathe out: NAM, or HUNG, or WEH down thru the lower chakras into the Earth.
Reams of scripture can be wrote on it, but non can give that breath.
The process, the liberation of the limits of the mind.
Just one at a time, than maybe another, and another.
Yes, thoughts will come, just keep coming back to it.
Remember 50 to a 100 times a day when the need arises
for a download exchange between Yin & Yang,
Deep, in and out.
Just a few conscious breath will do.
Only NOW, the only time.!
Heaven, Yang, descended onto Earth, Yin, the potential.
An equalizer move.
Build an alliance with that what we already are.
The One!
A fine tuning with the nature of all things and no things
as in the consciousness of One.
No polarity. Nirvana !
no opposing force.
I asked the AI chat bot ChatGPT :
True potential is our ultimate nature.
When we realize that our true self is one of pure potentiality,
we align with the power that manifests everything in the universe.
Touching base with infinity.
Enjoy no end in sight.
( Inspired by Deepak Chopra.
From his book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” )
The meaning of the highest form of Yoga as suggested by the mystics:
Sadhguru & Krishnamurti:
is more to have a virtuous, orderly, joyful life
where the body is not of the primary importance
yet all part of the exploration of the limits of our individual nature.
A discovery of the boundless.
It is something lived all day long, every day.
A freedom from the need for any spiritual or cultural outside authority.
Everybody qualifies given this Yoga.
Permanent Culture our Future
Take care.
Authored by Janet Galipo
One of the most sought-after Healthcare practitioners in the world.
A doctor of Oriental Medicine providing holistic trainings internationally.
(Google her for more info.)
You can bomb the world to pieces
but you cannot bomb it into peace.
There are no sides to the planet, all One.
There are no sides to true peace!
The absence of duality.
There are possibly millions of habitable planets in the universe,
but unless we can learn to travel at the speed of thought or intent,
they will be beyond our reach, please stop the bombing and pranking.
We are all individual entities of creations fundamental consciousness
a conscious that reigns supreme and encompasses all Universes.
A place of Oneness with the All.
I asked:
Unity surpasses division.
Nothing can ever be truly separate from the Whole.
Peace and happiness is the nature of our being,
and we share that with everything.
We can live with Unconditional Gratitude
Natures laws work with effortless ease,
This present moment, the now, is a gift from the living Mother Nature.
You are what your deep, driving desire is.
As your desire is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny.
–Brihadaranyanka Upanishad IV.4.5
Become aware of being aware.
Today I shall judge nothing that occurs,
nor judge myself.
Darkness cannot exist where there is light.
Sin cannot be where there is virtue.
A lie cannot sustain itself where there is truth.
Humanity is the Tribe of the Whole of this planet Earth.
There is no hiding from the Akasha,
the Essence of all things created in endless (infinite) space.
The Holy Breath is the direct connection to the All, the One Spirit.